New to PvP? Need rank? Casual Player?
I am a casual player (315 hours all characters since release of game). I have done the PvE totally through with one character, working on a second (mostly to unlock skills and to learn how those skills work). I have had my fill of PvE and 4v4. Tombs is the way to go for me without joining a new guild. But to get on a team when you are a PvP newbie is tough.
Here is my answer.
Start your own team. If you announce "starting an anti-build, anti-rank team--lets go have some fun", you will get a team together in five minutes, or be invited to a team in minutes. Yes, the team has little chance of winning the HoH, let alone getting there, but that isn't the point for you. You want fame so you can get rank.
In essence, you are farming fame, but having fun doing it. In three nights of playing less than an hour and a half a night I have 7 fame. Not very much, but I had a blast. Last night, we thought we had no shot against a guild that was in the top 50. We beat them in about a 10 minute match!!! Maybe they were trying a new team build, maybe they were getting bored, but for our team, it was fun/exciting/thrilling. You don't get that kind of feeling in PvE for the most part.
I hope this helps anyone who wants to play PvP to get started. Oh, and by the way, read the forums about builds. There are alot of skills in PvE that don't translate well to PvP.